Sunday 24 June 2012

Kitty number two. The Hornsea Marion Campbell cat.

Kitty number two.

Again a stylised cat with an elongated neck and nicely painted features.

This time, I can give some background information. This cat (is it a Siamese?) was designed by Marion Campbell for Hornsea Pottery. It was made in 1961 or 1962 and is one of a set of five similar cats in different sizes. This version is the second-largest of the series and is about seven and a half inches (19cm) high.

Aren't those exaggerated cat eyes fabulous?

A tale of two kitties.

I recently did a blogpost on a Carltonware cat-shaped money box and a Tigris cat vase. Writing those two posts reminded me of two more cats in the collection. One about which I know very little and one about which I know a little more.

This is the first of the the two kitties. A vintage white ceramic cat in an elegant shape. The cat is nicely painted in red and black and has an elongated neck. Other than that, I can't really tell you much more about it. I don't know who designed it or when it was made but it does have a 1950s or 1960s look about it. Any ideas?

Stand by for kitty number two.

Friday 22 June 2012

Let's face it. These cruets are absolutely spiffing

And to follow on from the Carltonware cat, I think these amusing face cruets are just fab.

Made by Carltonware in the 1970s, I have an idea they're from a range designed by Vivienne Brennan.

The monocled gentleman is a pepper pot, his hat is the salt pot. The maid salt pot has the butler's face on the reverse and the butler pepper pot has the maid's face on the reverse.

The three-colour illustrations are beautifully done and they work so well on the simple shapes of the white pottery.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Carlton Ware cat money box.

My last blogpost featured a cute pottery dog, the one before that an elegant Tigris cat, so to keep the theme going here's another cat.

This time the cat is in the form of a pottery money box. Made by Carlton Ware (or is that Carltonware?), I would guess in the early 1970s, I think the money box is from a range designed by Vivienne Brennan.

The bold illustration on this money box is in bright red and orange. I've seen examples of the same money box in different colour schemes.

There are some more good images of Carlton Ware money boxes from the 1970s on Pips Trip, here: Carlton Ware on Pips Trip