Wednesday 8 February 2012

Hornsea Summit for La momes

A quick blogpost to answer a question from La momes Old fashioned

This fluted striped tableware with inlay colour is called Summit. It was made by Hornsea Pottery, England between 1960 and 1965. Some time ago I did a blogpost on the Crafty Cruet. I promised then to do a blogpost on Summit, which I will do soon. You can see an example of Summit at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, here: Summit at the V&A


  1. WOW, that is so cool. Thank you SO much for the shared info, you really made my day on this one :-D

  2. I have a set of three graduated storage jars. Hornsea. Same colour and texture but backstamp is 'Summertime'. Fluted stripe slightly thinner than on my Summit pieces. Have never seen this anywhere else. Can send pics if you wish.

    1. Thank you, Teena. You're quite right, Summertime is a different Hornsea range, it was produced between 1962 and 1964. You're lucky to have 3 examples. What colour do you have? I've just put a couple of shots of Summertime on Potshots:
      Thanks for the idea.
